Invention patent number :(ZL2017 1 1200133.3 )


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Talent Concept

Talent Concept


The company insists on the application of quantity, because it can fix the job, use the competitive mechanism of the capable, the equal, the mediocre to stimulate the potential and creativity of the employees, and provide the conditions for growth and value enhancement of the talents, and the ability and Contribution measures the value of employees to the company, and makes talents with good conduct, dedication, diligence, strong business ability, and high work efficiency stand out. Make people use their talents to the best of their ability.

We advocate a "healthy, happy, positive, scientific" work concept. Only by being physically and mentally healthy and enjoying work can you have the true pleasure of life.

Development is not only the combination of personal and corporate interests, but also the ability for everyone to share common ideals and values, which will be a source of energy to promote the development and growth of the company.

The company provides each employee with a comprehensive salary and welfare guarantee, and provides each employee with a broad space for development.


Copyright Wuhan Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Gongxin record number: Hubei ICP No. 17028232

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