Invention patent number :(ZL2017 1 1200133.3 )


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Technology development




The corporate culture is the "spiritual food" of employees, the "powerful gongs and drums" to boost the confidence of the team, and the "lighthouse torch" for us to break through the waves. Giving full play to the role of “adhesive, catalyst, lubricant” of corporate culture and stimulating the “spring of water” of cultural development can melt the “layers of ice” of corporate development.

After years of development, it has formed a unique corporate culture with "integrity, innovation, humanism, harmony" as the core. But in the new stage of development, corporate culture also needs innovation, enrichment, and perfection.

In order to ensure that the corporate culture can guide the reform, innovation and development of the company, this time the company inherits the core corporate culture and further organizes and refines the original specific business philosophy and the company’s success. Hope This can become a new starting point for employees to understand the company's corporate culture, and through their own summary and deepening of insights, let it make every employee love and benefit for life. At the same time, it is also hoped that through this sorting, refining, and publicity, we will further unify our thinking, enhance cohesion, and promote corporate management to a certain extent, and contribute to the realization of the company's ambitious goals.



Copyright Wuhan Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Gongxin record number: Hubei ICP No. 17028232

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